Have you ever said something to your husband to "push his buttons" so to say? Naahhh... of course you haven't. Surely, you wouldn't want to do that.

Today, my husband said something to me that rubbed me the wrong way a little bit. Instead of letting it go, I snapped and said something I shouldn't have to him. I know it hurt his feelings. He went outside without a word, and I tried to go about my business.
I felt really guilty and found that I couldn't concentrate on my house cleaning... so, I decided to go outside and tell him I was sorry.
It was not a "big deal" but the point is this, why even waste time saying things to hurt someone? I remember our Pastor in Michigan talked about how your words are like arrows and once you say something, the words shoot and hit the target. Although you can take the arrow out of your target, there will always be a mark where your arrow shot.
So, next time - before you say something to your husband that could be hurtful... think about it.
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